Drone is a common name for UAV: ​​Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, there is also a type of drone on each of the land, sea, and air, which are called UAV, UGV, and UMV, respectively. The current drone for civilian and military use can fly autonomously by GPS and inertial navigation system. What is confusing is that not all aircraft in the world commonly called drone have an autonomous flight function. However, even if it is an aircraft that is capable of autonomous flight, it can not be said that “if it can not be avoided, it can not be avoided” if all flight from take-off to flight to landing is actually carried out by fully automatic instrument flight (autopilot). The first reason why the autopilot alone does not fly because the required accuracy has not been reached yet. For example, many current civilian-quality drones have GPS and camera and have the ability to automatically land towards specific landmarks on the ground. However, due to the accuracy of the equipment itself and the influence of the wind, it may still be about 10 to 20 meters away from the target point.

People and governments need to see civilian drones as part of people’s rights to travel. UAVs are an extension of the user’s eyes, and people already own smartphones which can record video. The only difference between a smartphone with a camera and a drone is the latter is capable of reaching locations and camera angles that are way beyond the physical capability of the smartphone camera. As the cheapest mainstream civilian drone is the DJI Tello, which cost $99 at the time of this writing, the accessibility of buying a drone is a true innovation in technology.

The drone has two functional advantages:

Good payload ratio

The payload ratio is simply the ratio of the total weight of the machine to the weight of the load that can be carried. The drone released in the past one or two years has the ability to transport objects about half to twice the weight of the aircraft, and has a range of about several kilometers to about 20 kilometers. The flight time is about 10 to 30 minutes, and the flight speed is 30km to 60km per hour.

Reaching a place where people are difficult to enter.

The second feature is the ability to observe places where people can not enter / accessible easily and to carry luggage to such places . For example, if there is a need to capture the entire damage from a flood, such as an eruption or flood, or if it is used to transport emergency relief supplies to sea and mountain victims, demonstration experiments have begun.

As drones only operate usually using a private wifi connection, there is no need to fear about vulnerabilities that may cause others from the Internet from interfering with a drone’s operations. Of course, like any electronic equipment (or a toy if you will), the moment that Internet connection becomes available to a drone, that is when significant study needs to be conducted in order to ascertain security and privacy of the drone’s users.

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